
In order to assure optimal safety and compliance with the regulations for all issues confronted with daily activities, Serdim realizes the value of having properly trained her employees and engineers as well as the engineers and employees of municipalities to conduct all issues related to the waste management.  

« Train your employees to insure your compliance with the regulatory agencies and minimize your liabilities.»




On-going staff training in relation to modern sanitary land filling is critical, especially in light of ever-changing operational techniques, design, philosophies, technologies, and regulations. Based on our understanding, training is to be given a high priority.

Our programs consist of:

    •       Managing Landfill Operations
    •       Waste Screening, Managing Landfill Gas, Ground Water and Leachate.
    •       Operational Issues for Landfill Managers, cost recovery and space optimization.
    •        Hospital Waste Management

Others Items can be determined and developed to meet the growing needs of our clients.    

Goals of the training program include:

  • Public Seminars and Audio/Video education tools
  • Demonstrate the benefits of recycling and source separation
  • Demonstrate the benefits of gas collection, emissions treatment, reductions and LFG energy utilization
  • Demonstrate the benefits of saving landfill space
  • Demonstrate the benefits of good landfill facility operations for environmental education purposes.
  • Demonstrate the benefits and successes of public/private partnerships, particularly in the solid waste management sector.
  • Demonstrate the benefits of preserving the underground water from being contaminated.

Custom training programs are available in English, French and Arabic, and are tailored to fit your individual needs. All training courses are offered throughout the year at various locations or can be performed at your site.

The courses include the following elements:

  • Formal classroom training, using various media (Slides, video, demonstrations..)
  • Courses manuals
  • Field exercises
  • Knowledge verification


(c) 04-08 SERDIM LIBAN all rights reserved