Design Of Sanitary Landfills.

Our Expertise in modern sanitary landfill design serves to concept a well-engineered structure with appropriate safeguards for proper disposal of municipal solid waste. Carefully constructed and professionally operated in compliance with stringent

Performance requirements, these facilities are important components of the solid waste management equation, protecting both the environment and the public health and safety.

While Designing landfills our engineers go through rigorous processes and navigate through regulatory guidance by creating a best practice relationship between design and engineered available material selection.

Our regulatory intent for any landfill design is to have the complete systems function within regulatory requirements for the design life of the structure.

Our new methods for the design uses geocomposite drainage and final cover systems in landfills,  to insure landfill space saving, slope stability, and cost effective designs .



Serdim offers the specialized expertise and equipment needed for landfill construction, closure and post-closure activities.

Our in-house staffs of engineers and experienced superintendents combined with our own earth moving equipment allow Serdim to self-perform virtually all aspects of landfill construction and closure.

 We utilize protective technologies such as impermeable composite liners, leachate and gas collection systems, and groundwater monitoring networks to assure releases do not occur.

Landfill Related Services Include:

    • Cap & Liner Installation
    • Leachate Collection and Recovery Systems
    • HDPE and Geo Textile Installation
    • Geocomposite installation
    • Methane Gas Recovery Systems
    • Closure and Post-Closure Compliance
    • Beneficial Use Studies


Design of Sorting Facilities.

    In order to presrve normal resources, save space in the landfills disposal cells and increase the benefits of materials recovery, serdim encourage its clients to implement a sorting facility to recover recyclable materials.

    Our technical design department performs the complete design of your sorting facility.


Design Of Composting Plant

    Serdim with its partners can provide the most economically feasable designs for the implementation of Aerobic composting plants.


Building of Sorting Facilities  

  Serdim with its partners can execute semi-automated to fully-automated sorting facitlites for MSW in any part of the world.


Building of Composting Plants. 

  Serdim with its partners can execute Aerobic composting plants.


Sanitary Landfill Operations.

The general tasks related to the day-to-day operation of the site include:1

  • Control of incoming wastes at the weighbridge Transport of waste from sorting unit to the landfill working face Compaction and covering of wastes Landfill cell development Leachate and landfill gas management
  • Preventive & Predictive Maintenance for planed activities, including Safety and Health Preventive Measures 1



Emphasis will be given to proper solid waste management according to 1modern industry standards and techniques, as well as performing operational activities in an environmentally sound manner.


Challenges to safe landfill operations include:

    • Extensive traffic from on-site vehicles and site users Landfill gas explosive potential Leachate management1 Hazardous materials in the waste stream and stored on-site Noise, dust and other nuisances
    • Worker exposure to the elements


The SERDIM Team is experienced in landfill operations and how to anticipate and mitigate the above challenges. The objective of the operations will be to perform duties efficiently while taking every effort to reduce the potential damage to human health or the environment.

Operation of Sorting Facilities

Materials Recovery System:

In order to preserve natural resources and to save space in the landfill disposal cells, a sort station was constructed.  SERDIM personnel sorted all new incoming waste to remove any materials which can feasibly be recycled.  This process also effectively screened incoming waste to remove hazardous substances such as medical waste (hospital waste) and others that could harm the public or the environment.  SERDIM effectively diverted 7% to 9% of the total incoming waste stream that would have been landfilled.  Materials such as cartons, plastic, aluminum, steel and glass were sent to processing plants for future use as new products


Composting Plant.

With its partners, Serdim can design, build and operate, Municipal Waste Treatment Facilities, with capacity varying from 100 to 3000 tons per day, for commingled and pre sorted residential waste. Our process is designed to meet our clients needs and expectations.

Within our wide range of services, we also use all organic matter that are sorted from the sorting facility and transform them aerobically from their primary state into compost which can be used for agriculture purposes.

Rehabilitation of Old Dump.

Serdim Liban provides a full range of functional, qualified waste management services. From degassing, excavation, transfer and site remediation to the proper management and closure of dumpsite, Serdim Liban is the source for all your environmental needs!Services provided under this task:

        • Gas Investigation

        • Design and Installation of Gas Control System and Gas Destruction

        • Assessment of leachate migration and remedial actions


Closure and Post Closure of Sanitary Landfills.

To perform this activity in environmentally sound manner, our approach has been systematically driven by state of the art technology and standards. the following step should be taken:

    1. Slope Stability Grading Clay Liner Geo-Synthetic Liner Vegetative soil Plantation Monitoring
    2. Maintenance


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